Saturday, July 7, 2012

      As we celebrate America’s Birthday, we often think of the way American businesses are innovative. Sometimes, however, we may note, how they have failed to look ahead.
     In order to maximize our potential, it is important we look into the future and anticipate and create appropriately. Although there certainly have been some significant business success, there have been some significant misses as well. A “miss” often not recognized is the one that deals with people. It is also one that can have lasting ramifications. While commodity production can be altered significantly within a comparatively short time, there are personnel problems on the horizon that will be much more difficult to manipulate.
    Many American workers feel they are being exploited. That is, they are paid poor salaries and expected to produce more. Exacerbating the problem is a belief that the money is there to pay better wages –  leadership is being paid exceptionally well. Because of the tough economic situation and extensive layoffs, workers are willing to accept these conditions. This will not go on forever. As the economy improves, if worker conditions do not improve, several personnel factors will begin to impact the business world.
    First, as businesses expand – as they eventually will –  there will be a need for more workers. That will provide new opportunities for people to make choices – find better jobs. Individuals who work for companies that take advantage of them, will have opportunity to find better situations. The resulting lack of needed skilled workers will create problems, expenses (see: Hiring - The Cost)  and lower quality for those organizations.
    Second, with greater personnel needs will come competition. Those organizations that refuse to improve wages and conditions, will find  fewer competent workers willing to accept positions. And, even if improvements are made, reputation and past practices will have an effect on the quality of the hiring pool.
    Third, many workers who have found it difficult to find employment, are changing  occupations. Many have chosen to go to school and become qualified in higher demand fields. This shift will further stress businesses as they look for qualified employees.
    Fourth, as the low-end worker pool decreases in size, there will be a tendency to continue outsourcing to countries with lower pay standards. However, as the world continues to move toward become one giant connected industry, the standards of all workers will elevate, and the cost will rise; that is already happening. That coupled with the fact that maintaining offices in foreign countries will become more expensive, will result in that avenue becoming less attractive.
    Lastly, the longer it takes American businesses to take this trend seriously, the greater problem it will create. That brings us to the foundation for Critical Cornerstones for Success.
    Critical Cornerstones For Success, systematically considers the essential components required to achieve maximum success in any endeavor–business and profession to success in the home (see:: The Wrong Bottom Line . . . Still: Critical Components.

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