“You’re good to go,” said Phil – of Phil’s Auto in Caldwell, Idaho. I was about to take a long trip. Before I left, I wanted someone to check out my high milage car.“What’s the charge,” I asked. “Nothing,” said Phil. “I must owe you something,“ I responded.” “Nope,” was Phil’s comeback. Phil, who has fixed my cars for about twenty years, is not only an excellent mechanic, but a smart business man. He knows that the little things mean a lot.
“Little things” are not really little, but they don’t amount to much in money or time. They are the gestures, thoughtful comments, acts, and the many kinds of consideration that are positive and seemingly inconsequential.
A realtor, Charlene Bragg, came to our house, spent time trying to help, but was not selected to represent us. She did nothing wrong. But because of a connection and a need better met by someone else, we did not use her. Her response was a nice note thanking us for allowing her to be of some service. She wished us well in our quest. Would we recommend her to someone who might be trying to buy or sell property? Absolutely, she would be at the top of the list. Her note was unnecessary but showed a maturity – she wasn’t upset because she had spent her time and was not selected – as well as a courteous consideration. Anyone could do what Charlene did; but many don’t; Charlene does.
We are blasted with loud ads and continual, unwanted, pop-ups. These overbearing intrusions are negative stimuli to me. They glare and push, and not only miss the boat, to me, they are not even in the ocean! It is the little things that make the big differences in success and life – the smiles, the thanks, the little courtesies expressed, and services provided.
So thanks to the waitress who’s enthusiasm was so genuine and positive, that I want to go back just to be part of the experience, and the car salesman who didn’t try to push me into a car, but merely made sure he was available and would help if I would like information or assistance.
Pay attention to the little things – they are not really little. As Phil reminded me, as he declined my offer to pay him: “you’ll be back.” And I will.
“Little things” are not really little, but they don’t amount to much in money or time. They are the gestures, thoughtful comments, acts, and the many kinds of consideration that are positive and seemingly inconsequential.
A realtor, Charlene Bragg, came to our house, spent time trying to help, but was not selected to represent us. She did nothing wrong. But because of a connection and a need better met by someone else, we did not use her. Her response was a nice note thanking us for allowing her to be of some service. She wished us well in our quest. Would we recommend her to someone who might be trying to buy or sell property? Absolutely, she would be at the top of the list. Her note was unnecessary but showed a maturity – she wasn’t upset because she had spent her time and was not selected – as well as a courteous consideration. Anyone could do what Charlene did; but many don’t; Charlene does.
We are blasted with loud ads and continual, unwanted, pop-ups. These overbearing intrusions are negative stimuli to me. They glare and push, and not only miss the boat, to me, they are not even in the ocean! It is the little things that make the big differences in success and life – the smiles, the thanks, the little courtesies expressed, and services provided.
So thanks to the waitress who’s enthusiasm was so genuine and positive, that I want to go back just to be part of the experience, and the car salesman who didn’t try to push me into a car, but merely made sure he was available and would help if I would like information or assistance.
Pay attention to the little things – they are not really little. As Phil reminded me, as he declined my offer to pay him: “you’ll be back.” And I will.