Sometimes we applaud the fast thinking, ever correct abilities of computers. My usual response to that is that they are glorified adding/text machines. However, there are times when I think they show more intelligence than we humans. Sometimes our actions make little sense. Let me share some examples as an encouragement to use our abilities to “think.”
People willing to help me out – or out of my money
I received a card in the mail inviting me to a complementary dinner accompanied with some sage advice. The topic for the evening was entitled, “The Government Wants YOUR Retirement.” Using my ability to reason, that offer either sounds like: out of the goodness of our hearts, and because we have your best welfare in mind, we are paying for your meal and providing life-saving information,” or, “we are looking for non-thinking clients who we can stampede into signing up with us so we can make money, and we are willing to invest in a dinner because our return will be worth it. Further, we mail these to individuals who are in retirement age because they will react more strongly, and are more likely not to be as sharp as younger folks.” So, if I were to partake of their recommendations would I be a benefactor of their kindness, or would they become benefactors of my money?
Asleep on the job
As a supervisor, have you ever noticed workers falling asleep in their cubicles? Perhaps you have even noticed some extra nodding during your discourses at meetings. Is your first response to ding them on the supervisory reports or their evaluations? Do you have thoughts of replacing them? First, review your own actions. Certainly, you have never had the sleep bug bite you at your desk. Of course, you have never felt sleepy – even closed your eyes – during a long meeting. Well, some of us have. So what do you do with your employees?
First, what is your focus, your objective, your goal? It should be to assist those you supervise in being as productive and successful as possible. That being the case, reprimanding and treaty employees negatively will be of less value than meeting their needs – even if it goes against your traditional grain. In light of the overall objective of moving forward and producing effectively, it would be of greater value to encourage the tired individual to take a break – even a 15 min. nap. If you do, you’ll find a very appreciated worker who will come back refreshed and more productive.
The plea here is to treat human beings as human beings – to think instead of just compute. No, it is not babying people. It is being considerate and treating them as you would like to be treated. It is not only the humane way to operate, it is the most honest way; it is also the most productive way.
Of Related Interest: Cost of Hiring
People willing to help me out – or out of my money
I received a card in the mail inviting me to a complementary dinner accompanied with some sage advice. The topic for the evening was entitled, “The Government Wants YOUR Retirement.” Using my ability to reason, that offer either sounds like: out of the goodness of our hearts, and because we have your best welfare in mind, we are paying for your meal and providing life-saving information,” or, “we are looking for non-thinking clients who we can stampede into signing up with us so we can make money, and we are willing to invest in a dinner because our return will be worth it. Further, we mail these to individuals who are in retirement age because they will react more strongly, and are more likely not to be as sharp as younger folks.” So, if I were to partake of their recommendations would I be a benefactor of their kindness, or would they become benefactors of my money?
Asleep on the job
As a supervisor, have you ever noticed workers falling asleep in their cubicles? Perhaps you have even noticed some extra nodding during your discourses at meetings. Is your first response to ding them on the supervisory reports or their evaluations? Do you have thoughts of replacing them? First, review your own actions. Certainly, you have never had the sleep bug bite you at your desk. Of course, you have never felt sleepy – even closed your eyes – during a long meeting. Well, some of us have. So what do you do with your employees?
First, what is your focus, your objective, your goal? It should be to assist those you supervise in being as productive and successful as possible. That being the case, reprimanding and treaty employees negatively will be of less value than meeting their needs – even if it goes against your traditional grain. In light of the overall objective of moving forward and producing effectively, it would be of greater value to encourage the tired individual to take a break – even a 15 min. nap. If you do, you’ll find a very appreciated worker who will come back refreshed and more productive.
The plea here is to treat human beings as human beings – to think instead of just compute. No, it is not babying people. It is being considerate and treating them as you would like to be treated. It is not only the humane way to operate, it is the most honest way; it is also the most productive way.
Of Related Interest: Cost of Hiring